Much criticism has been lobbied at Disney's live action remake of ALADDIN, but what was initially the greatest source of contention, namely Will Smith's Genie, turns out to be one of the film's highlights.
Although, Will can't really sing, you get over it pretty quickly. I loved the Fresh Prince vibe he brings to the character, and his rendition of FRIEND LIKE ME, is a visual and orchestral treat. His expanded role, is very Will, and adds a nice twist to the films bookend.
The actors playing Aladdin and Jasmin, are both beautiful and turn in strong performances.
It's greatest weakness, for me, was Jafar. An iconic villain, he's the victim here of too many bad choices from casting, directing, writing, studio exec notes, and yes even acting. He's strong in the costume design department, but everything else about him, from his wooden delivery, on the nose dialogue, and lack of creative choices with the staff, are a disappointment. He deserves much better.
Although, I imagine his pitch focused on the con of Aladdin and Genie, Guy Ritchie is an interesting choice to helm this picture. The non-diegetic moment in the desert rewinding time, and Carpet building Disney sand castles are some of the details that make this work.
ALADDIN is fun, and boasts stunning VFX. It's first two acts are strong, but flounders in its third.
It's not better than the original, animated version of the story it's a remake of, but a worthy, live action rendition, almost on par and overall a success in what they were trying to do.
It's a B- if I'm being generous, or a C+ if I'm being honest.
